How to escape the laws of failure?

To secretly develop a new product and confront the customers with it is water under the bridge. Thus, 9 out of 10 are doomed to failure. Nowadays, the most innovative enterprises steal the trophy from the industry leaders. How do they escape the laws of failure?

The key-note of «Lean Innovation» is in the ability to rapidly test a product idea with creative experiments and to obtain facts. We are thereby able to recognise earlier what works and can adjust the solution step by step until it satisfies the clients requierment. If the so called Minimal Viable Product (MVP) does not create sufficient response from the customer, we discard our concept at once. We use the remainder of the budget for experiments with more promising product ideas.

One example of a well established enterprise which has revolutionised the market with Lean Innovation is Dropbox. This article with video shows how the former startup company has come out on top over the superiority of established enterprises with an MVP.

Interested parties can learn in our new Lean Innovation Training how to increase the chances of success for a product idea.

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